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Each tablet contains 31.3mg Green Tea leaf extract, equivalent to 1000mg Green Tea leaf powder

– Standardised to provide 95% (29.7mg) polyphenols, of which 70% (20.8mg) are catechins.

– Caffeine content reduced to below 2% (0.66mg per tablet).

– In human trials, Green Tea polyphenols have prevented nitrates (usually found in cured meat products) binding to amino acids, so reducing the formation of nitrosamines strong cancer causing agents.

– Antioxidant activity also contributes to a strong immune system.

– Green Tea’s polyphenols, not caffeine, are regarded as being responsible for increasing the metabolism. Polyphenols are not associated with the side effects of caffeine, such as “jitteriness”.

– Green Tea may improve cardiovascular health by inhibiting the digestion of fats and making blood less sticky.

– Green tea has improved gut bacteria balance in elderly people. Friendly gut bacteria may also prevent the
re-absorption of cholesterol by breaking down bile salts.


  • Atherosclerosis (hardened arteries)- Green Tea increases antioxidant activity in the blood, protecting against damage to LDL cholesterol. Damage to LDL cholesterol, caused by ‘oxidation’ from fried foods, smoking and stress, causes damage to the artery wall upon which the cholesterol sits. This damage leads to the hardening of the artery wall.
  • High cholesterol- Green Tea may improve cholesterol profiles by increasing ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL) and decreasing ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL), as well as mildly reducing total cholesterol overall. Improving the HDL to LDL ratio, as well as lowering total overall cholesterol helps prevent heart disease.
  • Immune booster- The polyphenols in Green Tea stimulate the production of several types of immune cells. Green Tea also has antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
  • Weight loss- Green Tea’s polyphenols may both increase metabolism and decrease the breakdown of fat in the digestive system, so reducing its absorption. Increasing the metabolic rate means the cells generate more energy and the person feels more active.


Take 1-3 tablets per day with a cold drink and food.
Do not exceed the recommended intake.


Being high in tannins, Green Tea may interfere with the absorption of several medications. Taking Green Tea supplements at least two hours after the medication eliminates this problem.


Odour Modified Garlic Powder, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Di-Calcium Phosphate, Tablet Coating (Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Calcium Carbonate, Glycerine), Anticaking Agents (Silicon Dioxide, Vegetable Source Magnesium Stearate).


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